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Walmart and Target now sell Nintendo's Alarmo in celebration of Mario Day
It was previously only available direct from Nintendo.
Last month, Nintendo of America opened up purchases of its game-themed alarm clock, Alarmo, to the public in the US so anyone could get one — with or without a Switch Online membership. It was originally only available direct from Nintendo, but now in celebration of Mario Day, the bright red nightstand companion can also be purchased from Walmart and Target.
The charming alarm clock comes with a handful of built-in themes to choose from at the start — Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 3, Pikmin 4 and Ring Fit Adventure — and Nintendo says others, including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Animal Crossing: New Horizons, will be available for free down the line.
Nintendo's charming, bright red alarm clock is now more widely available for $100 — no Switch Online membership required.
Alarmo first went on sale back in October, but only for Nintendo Switch Online members. That changed in February, when the company announced, “Nintendo Sound Clock: #Alarmo is now available on My Nintendo store, no Nintendo Switch Online membership required.”
Alarmo can wake you up and put you to sleep with sounds and animations from your chosen title, and it has a motion sensor for sleep tracking (though Engadget’s review found the latter to be pretty useless). There’s an undeniable charm to it all; the characters will even celebrate when you finally drag yourself out of bed. The downside is that it costs $100. Still, I can’t say the idea of having a troupe of Pikmin greet me first thing every morning isn’t extremely tempting.